⚠️ Something Terrifying is Happening Across America…

⚠️ Something Terrifying is Happening Across America…

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Our society is in the process of breaking down all around us and signs of its impending collapse are everywhere. Have you noticed that nowadays people don’t treat one another with the same level of respect and civility that they once did? Americans are constantly fighting with each other and these days it feels like most people can’t solve anything through dialogue and empathy and this should greatly alarm all of us. The worsening polarization across our nation can be a contributing factor but recently even those that are supposedly on the same side are treating each other with extreme contempt. Conservatives are fighting with conservatives, liberals are fighting with liberals, Christians are fighting with Christians and we’re also seeing families break up all over the place. Hearts are growing so cold and all of the conflict and discord that we are witnessing right now is leaving us wondering about what things will be like when economic conditions in this nation start falling apart in the months ahead and that’s what we’re going to discuss in today’s video. But before moving on we kindly ask you to support our work with a thumbs up and don’t forget to subscribe. We’ve never been more detached from one another than we are right now. Our society is getting more and more divided and maybe this is why we have so much anger and hatred growing all around our nation. At this point, it seems like a large portion of our population doesn’t possess even the most basic level of sympathy and compassion for their fellow citizens and that has frightening implications for the future of America. Given that we have become disturbingly disconnected from each other we tend to focus on what’s happening inside our social bubble and forget the narratives others are living. But when we take a step back and take a deeper look at our current situation the extent to which our society has already deteriorated is quite shocking. There is so much rage and indignation in the air right now and we’re most certainly seeing this being reflected in the rates of severe delinquencies and offenses being recorded at this moment. For instance, CNBC reports that burglaries in San Francisco are up by 42% over the past year. In the Northern District which includes Pacific Heights, the Marina, North Beach, and Cal Marlo it’s up 59%. In the Mission 79% and in the Richmond up 50%. People in the city’s northern neighborhoods like North Beach, Russian Hill and Pacific Heights say they’re experiencing break-ins daily.

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