2 Minutes Ago: Elon Musk Shared a Terrifying Message.

2 Minutes Ago: Elon Musk Shared a Terrifying Message.

2 Minutes Ago: Elon Musk Just Shared a Disturbing Message.
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You once told me about population that the decrease of reproduction rate, birth rate, is one of the most underestimated problems of our times. Can you explain? Yeah, so most people in the world are operating under the false impression that there are too many people. This is not true. Earth could maintain a population many times at the current level. And the birth rate has been dropping like crazy. So, and unfortunately, like we have these ridiculous population estimates from the UN that need to be updated because they just don’t make any sense. Really, you can just look and say, what was the birth rate last year? How many kids were born? Multiply that by the life expectancy and say, okay, that’s how many people will be alive in the future. And then say, is the trend for birth rate positive or negative? It’s negative. So that’s the best case, unless something changes with the birth rate. You can look at, take Japan, for example, I think I’m just going off memory here, but I think the population is roughly, but last year, if you take the number of children born times the life expectancy, which is 85 years, it’s very impressive life expectancy. Then Japan would have, I think around 68 million people, roughly half of the current population. That does not tell the full story because those that, you would have an upside down demographic permit. You already have an upside down demographic permit where, you know, a lot of old people, very few young people and houses, the upside down demographic permit is unstable. That’s also here why we need alternatives. You have recently presented Optimus, human Robert, and you shared great expectations, what that could do for the world. Yeah. Could you explain a little bit your motivation? I assume it’s not only about the first visit to Mars that could be done by Optimus. It is more than that. A game changer in AI. Could you share a little bit your vision? Yeah. With respect to AI and robotics, I always approach these things with some trepidation because I certainly do not want to be, play a hand in anything that could potentially be harmful to humanity. Now, humanoid robots, they’re clearly happening. When you look at Boston Dynamics, their demonstrations are better every year. So there will be humanoid robots. The rate of advancement of AI is very rapid. Even if Tesla stopped doing AI, I think we’re still on a track to develop artificial general intelligence, meaning intelligence smarter than the smartest human. Concretely, Optimus is going to be used in Tesla factories. That’s one of the use cases. But what is the broader use case beyond Tesla? Yeah. Optimus is a general purpose work. The initial roles for Optimus would be in work that is repetitive, boring, dangerous, that kind of thing. Basically work that people don’t want to do unless they’ll pay to do it. Why has Optimus two legs? Just because it looks like a human being or is it more practical? I thought four legs are better. Four legs good, two legs bad. It reminds me of oil. Humanity has designed the world to interact with a bipedal humanoid with two arms and ten fingers. So if you want to have a robot fit in and be able to do things that humans can do, it must be roughly the same size and shape and capability.

Speaker Elon Musk

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