2 Minutes Ago: INSIDER Reveals Terrifying Information in Interview.

2 Minutes Ago: INSIDER Reveals Terrifying Information in Interview.

2 Minutes Ago: INSIDER Reveals Terrifying Information in Interview.
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There’s a bunch of cracks in the information wall regarding governments and government programs, particularly in the uk, and leaders of those programs coming clean now and unburdening their conscience. Basical. And acknowledging things like directed government efforts at, uh, using fear as a tool to control human behavior.
There’s no question that AP Reuters, the independent and others are doing a coordinated takedown, but it’s fascinating in its nuances and also fascinating how aligned it is with, for. So that’s why I put in our CK the question, why is all of the mainstream media reacting, including Google reacting so strongly?
To this whole issue of mass formation. They’re validating Mattias DEC’s hypotheses in real time. Part of the whole character assassination trick. So what’s going on with all of this is they’re trying to create a cloud of uncertainty around me, specifically me, because I’ve been speaking out. And so you’ll notice that they’ve chosen to frame this as if, this is my hypothesis that this, I mean this is the storyline, right?
This doctor has promoted this crazy wackadoodle obscure theory, which is outside of his core competency. It’s being framed as if I was the origin of that. And so in the CK article, what I did, cuz I reached out to Mattias Desmond, who is the senior academic full professor, over 170 peer reviewed publications book coming out on mass formation.
And Mattias is mad as hell at all this slander of his academic work. Uh, saying that it has no academic basis, so that’s why I got Mattias involved. So Mattias carefully edited that CK article. It’s put out under my name, and then Mattias gave us some edits and additional suggestions. This is absolutely solidly rooted in over 200 years of academic research by people like Anna a, who was one of the great philosophers of the 20th century and a Holocaust.

Speaker Robert Malone

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