3 Minutes Ago: INSIDER Reveals Terrifying Information in New Interview.

3 Minutes Ago: INSIDER Reveals Terrifying Information in New Interview.

3 Minutes Ago: INSIDER Reveals Terrifying Information in Banned Interview.
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As for as for Biden well see this is the thing about what’s going on at the moment It’s all perceptual It’s all about control of perception because from perception comes behavior you want to control behavior control perception So this is why? We get our perceptions from information we receive this is why they want to control the information because they in control the perception and they control The behavior that’s the sequence and One of the things they they are putting before us now more than ever before that done it before of course but more than ever before is complete morons in positions of political power and This this does two things first of all people lose respect for their country And they want people to lose respect for their country because they want an end to countries. They want a global monoculture No countries as we know them and no nations as we know them. That’s all part of the longer Process of the Great Reset But they also want to say to you Because what they’ve done now is they’ve gone from hiding it because they can’t hide it They’re getting so close to their end goal. They have to break the surface now. They’ve gone from hiding it just saying Look we control everything we can put this senile man in the White House As president of the United States we can do that look We can put morons in power in New Zealand with our turn with in Canada with Trudeau and so on Because we have the power we can put anyone in office that we like that’s all part of breaking that breaking the spirit of The population to the point where they say well, there’s nothing we can do. They’ve got so much power And so I Mean Biden’s apparently saying he’s gonna run again. Well, it’d be a quick walk anyway What what will happen with that given his senile nature? I don’t know. But by the way, there’s a guy called Fetterman You know about him? Mm-hmm. John Fetterman John Fetterman, I think was John Fetterman. That’s his name. He had a stroke Which means that he can’t speak properly and he’s been doing Interviews with reporters via a computer So when they ask their question it comes up on a computer and he could read it so that he can understand it and he was put up for the Democrats and One How the heck is he gonna function on Capitol Hill When he can’t he’s just not got the faculties he can’t hold a proper conversation.

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