Watch Carefully: Jordan Peterson is definitely trying to tell us Something..

Watch Carefully: Jordan Peterson is definitely trying to tell us Something..

2 Minutes Ago Jordan Peterson is definitely trying to tell us something
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No, I, I don’t think it would be good for America. Would it be good for him to run? That’s a diff that’s a difficult question because it might be that it would be good for. To have whether or not Donald Trump should be president sorted out in the public sphere. Yeah. Debated intensely and subject to an election.
So it might be a very interesting to see him put himself forward on the Republican ticket. If I had my druthers, um, and I say this, I hope with due care, I would rather see someone like DeSantis step forward, who shares some of that forthright. Um, strength, let’s say that characterizes Trump at his best, but seems to be a, a more, uh, cautious administrator and a less divisive figure.
I think that would be better because the Trump, for whatever virtues he might have, and I think he has the virtues of a Washington outsider. I think that’s quite clear. I think that his, his behavior in the political. Raises the political temperature to a dangerous degree. Yeah. And uh, you know, I say that while trying to give the devil as due and not casting careless aspersions on his, on his name, , I think that that compulsion, especially in matters of public policy, is a sign of bad policy.
If you can’t get people on board voluntarily by motivating them with the proper story, then you’re a poor leader. And so I certainly, certainly would be opposed to. Approximating legal compulsion. Now we use social compulsion frequently to to produce consensus, let’s say, and to enforce it, and that’s never gonna go away.
And there’s some utility in that, but, My general take on the world is that people should be allowed to go to hell in a hand basket pretty much any way they choose once they’re adults, although they might be encouraged not to do that and invited not to do that, but yeah, I’m not a fan of compulsion for any reason.
I think it is a sign of bad policy. If you and I can’t play together voluntarily, then we don’t have a very good relationship and it’s not gonna be efficient and productive. It’s gonna require force to continue, and we’re not having a fight about who has the right to speak. That’s nothing that’s, that’s, that’s a peripheral problem.
Even though that can be serious in and of itself, we’re having a fight about whether or not your claim that free speech exists is nothing but a masquerade for your willingness to dominate and use power. And so if I was taking that tack, I’d say it’s all well and good for you to speak about free speech.

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