THIS IS GETTING CRAZY! We’ve Never Seen Anything Like It..

THIS IS GETTING CRAZY! We've Never Seen Anything Like It..

THIS IS GETTING CRAZY! We’ve Never Seen Anything Like It..
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What if I told you alien technology isn’t alien anymore? Oftentimes regular citizens spot something in the sky or even at land or at sea that’s completely Unbelievable while some things just cannot be explained Others can be traced back to the government and just how secretive their missions have truly become if these so-called Alien technology are not only found but also made on earth. Are they still really alien in? 2016 the United States Navy received a patent application for an inertial mass reduction device Similarly shaped to several unidentified flying objects UFO caught in more than one instance in the United States in 2018 this patent application was published and is currently set to expire in 2036 is the United States Navy Developing alien technology based on these sightings are rumors true that China’s already one step ahead of the United States in terms of this alien technology In 2015 five United States Navy crewmen reported that they encountered Unidentified objects off the East Coast of the United States two pilots went on the record and said that the surreal craft They encountered had performance that defies known propulsion and aerodynamic capabilities While not much is said about the unidentified aircrafts physical description due to the distance and heights The craft has been seen in they recollect that it was tic-tac shaped oblong like that had rounded fronts and backs They even went as far as describing these Unidentified flying objects as something akin to special effects you would have seen in a sci-fi movie in the late 1980s in a 2019 New York Times article Lieutenant Ryan graves an FA 18 Super Hornet pilot for a decade recalled that in 2014 and 2015 He would witness strange aircrafts appearing in their training space What’s interesting with these aircrafts is that they did not just appear for a second or a minute? It would appear for hours Most surprisingly these aircrafts would appear for about 12 hours or longer Because of their speed and unusual travel path they would have needed to refuel But in this case, they were just in the sky for a prolonged period of time Lieutenant Ryan graves would continue to reveal that while fighter jets would often pick up pings on the radar They would often ignore for false radar tracks This specific aircraft was persistently present in the area Graves claims that it would show up at 30,000 feet and at 20,000 feet and then it’s sea level the unidentified Object would accelerate then slow down then hit hypersonic speeds that wouldn’t be possible with today’s technology Unless it were extremely advanced yet hidden or simply extraterrestrial technology Normally UFO sightings would be swept under the rug However, this case is strange as any they’ve seen as these reports came from the United States Navy itself second the reports terrifyingly coincides with a UFO patent and other similar outlandish patents from Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division NAWCAD aerospace engineer Salvatore Cesar Pais the first patent of the bunch the electromagnetic field generator dating back to 2015 which Coincides with the UFO sightings from the US Navy though these UFO sightings would only be reported in 2019.

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