AMERICA, ITS HAPPENING NOW. This Will Affect Everyone..

AMERICA, ITS HAPPENING NOW. This Will Affect Everyone..

this will AFFECT everyone in America.
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This video is for everyone who is sick and tired of hearing that inflation is going down when you’re actually not seeing this being reflected on your grocery bill. No matter which store you go to, you still get shocked to see how much prices have gone up from one week to the other. It’s also very frustrating to see that many shelves are wiped clean and staying that way for months. Nowadays shopping for groceries has become a challenging task like preparing for battle. As you enter the store with your shopping list in hand, you’re immediately faced with empty displays, missing everyday items and some eye popping prices that have an instant effect on your mood. It’s not uncommon to return home with only half of what you intended to buy, having spent twice the amount you budgeted and feeling quite defeated. This exhausting experience has been a constant in 2022 with each week bringing new shortages of different items. Unfortunately it looks like 2023 is bringing more of the same challenges with old shortages continuing and new ones being added to the list. Believe it or not, prices are soaring so high right now that even major food retailers like Target and Whole Foods are begging their suppliers to cut costs this year. Retailers typically negotiate prices with vendors once a year, but now the stakes are higher. In December, consumer spending dropped by 2%, a very disappointing finish to the all important holiday shopping season. Meanwhile food sales fell by almost double that rate according to federal data. Consumers are savvier and more thoughtful, hunting for discounts, clipping coupons, prioritizing kitchen staples and opting for cheaper brands. Consumers are watching demand go down and depress their already thin profit margins. That’s why many of them are telling their suppliers they need to make their case for keeping prices high. Otherwise they risk discounted orders. In the last few months we’ve seen the shift away from trying to fight cost increases to pushing for vendor cost decreases, explains Bobby Gibbs, a partner in the retail and consumer goods division of the marketing and sorting firm, Oliver Wyman. But several sources within the food industry say that retailers’ requests will be left unheard and consumers will continue to bear the brunt of absurd grocery price hikes in 2023 because a handful of corporations that control the global food market are rushing to capitalize on inflation before they lose the chance to do so.

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