Um, Something Is Happening Inside Egypt.. (2023)

Um, Something Is Happening Inside Egypt.. (2023)

Something Is Happening Inside Egypt.. THEY Are Hiding It
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What does the pine cone represent? Why is that shown around the world? But more importantly, what does the handbag symbol represent that we see all around the world? This knowledge was kept only in the most high levels with priests and magi. Only those at the top could understand what these meant. Many of these ancient symbols throughout history were eventually inverted and perverted to their opposite meanings. In some cases, to almost demonize them, to seem like it’s something that’s evil when it’s truly something that’s the complete opposite. These individuals, they are the keepers of knowledge and the keepers of how to create civilizations. They’re the ones that jumpstarted every major advanced sophisticated civilization we can around the world. I really think this is gonna help connect a lot of these missing pieces for people that are yearning for this knowledge. So I wanna give just a tiny little bit of a background because I know that not everybody that comes to this information is at the same level. You know, they haven’t necessarily studied this for years and years and years. Maybe they’re just discovering this for the first time. So what I wanna do is just give a really small, very short, higher level and lower level perspective of this before we really get into what we’re talking about. Because I feel like this information specifically is at the highest level. It’s not something you just jump right into and start talking about, or you’re gonna get a lot of people that haven’t studied it roll their eyes and turn this video off and say, I don’t know what he’s talking about. So I wanna set the stage for what this information is and why it’s so important. Over the last couple of years, the last several years of studying this and writing books and trying to understand the earliest point of when civilization started here, there was always these questions that came up, questions revolving around what are those cylinder seals that have been found in ancient Mesopotamia? What do they represent? What do these murals represent with all these depictions from the past? What are these ancient symbols we find in places like in the Americas, all the way into Turkey, down into Egypt, down into Mesopotamia? Why do we find the same symbols shared by so many different cultures around the world when in our history books, we’re taught that those cultures had no contact with one another, especially across oceans. They were disconnected from different time periods in history and it’s all just random, right? Human civilizations emerged just based on randomness. Some group of kings and group of hunter gatherers got together, they decided to settle on a location and then they built an empire and then that event empire eventually collapsed. And that’s the whole story we’re given. We’re told this entire narrative of our civilization can be put into this 6,000 year window with just enormous amounts of slaves being forced into manual labor to create these enormous structures like the pyramids.

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