America After 9/11: Rajiv Chandrasekaran (interview) | FRONTLINE

America After 9/11: Rajiv Chandrasekaran (interview) | FRONTLINE

Rajiv Chandrasekaran served as the national editor of The Washington Post and is the author of “Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq’s Green Zone” and “Little America: The War Within the War for Afghanistan​​.”

The following interview was conducted by FRONTLINE’s Jim Gilmore on May 23 and June 16, 2021. It has been edited for clarity and length.

This interview is being published as part of FRONTLINE’s Transparency Project, an effort to open up the source material behind our documentaries. Explore the transcript of this interview, and others, on the FRONTLINE website:

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Major funding for FRONTLINE is provided by the Ford Foundation. Additional funding is provided by the Abrams Foundation; the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; Park Foundation; and the FRONTLINE Journalism Fund with major support from Jon and Jo Ann Hagler on behalf of the Jon L. Hagler Foundation, and additional support from Koo and Patricia Yuen.

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