Could You Survive On The Breadline? | Complete Series | ENDEVR Documentary

Could You Survive On The Breadline? | Complete Series | ENDEVR Documentary

Could You Survive On The Breadline? | Complete Series | ENDEVR Documentary

Growing Up Poor – Breadline Kids:

Could You Survive on the Breadline? Jenny Leong, Julie Goodwin, and Caleb Bond will go on separate immersive journeys into three distinct Australian localities and communities, to gain insights into the world of poverty and disadvantage in Australia, and to see whether they themselves could survive on welfare and low incomes. For all three, the experience will be confronting and at times emotional – but how will it change them?

00:00 Episode 1
In Episode One, our three contributors will be forced to hand over their credit cards and forgo all access to their current lives. They’ll travel separately to three different parts of New South Wales where they’ll live for the next nine days. From a disadvantaged inner-city community to the outer suburbs and a regional area, they’ll have to navigate life on various forms of welfare. They’ll discover first-hand what things people are forced to live without – things like proper heating, secure and safe accommodation, adequate health care, and a decent diet.

00:54:59 Episode 2
In Episode Two, they’ll probe deeper into the lives of others living in these disadvantaged communities. It’ll be a case of “welcome to my world” as NSW Greens MP Jenny Leong moves into a single-parent household to witness first-hand the challenges they face. Julie Goodwin will experience life in a carer’s household; and journalist Caleb Bond will see first-hand what it’s like to live in cramped conditions with a family whose main breadwinner is trying to support their family on a combination of part-time work and welfare.

01:45:01 Episode 3
In Episode Three attention shifts to the job market, as they experience the challenges of trying to find work and survive on an irregular pay packet in this tough new era of employment in Australia. From applying for non-existent full-time jobs to working as underpaid and under-employed food delivery drivers on zero-hour contracts; to retrenched white-collar workers doing multiple menial and low-paying jobs to get by.
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