Did My Dad Pretend To Lose His Memories So He Can Start A New Life? | Absolute Documentaries

Did My Dad Pretend To Lose His Memories So He Can Start A New Life? | Absolute Documentaries

One week after a seemingly harmless car accident, Richard Minnich – a California data processing executive and father of five – wakes up with total amnesia.

He no longer recognises his wife and children and has a great deal of difficulty with the simplest daily tasks. The doctors are baffled, as there is no evidence of brain damage or other physical causes. For the family, the event marks the beginning of a never-ending nightmare.

Sixteen years later, filmmaker Rick Minnich – the oldest son from Richard’s first marriage – returns to California with a camera in search of answers to why his father’s memory still hasn’t returned. He talks with his family members and a former colleague of Richard’s, and reconstructs in detective-story fashion the period of time before and the years following the accident.

Along the way, Rick not only discovers many deep-rooted emotions that had never been dealt with, but also uncovers startling facts that shed a very different light on his father’s memory loss. Was Richard really struck by a horrible affliction, or was he perhaps trying to escape from a life he could no longer lead?

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From: Forgetting Dad

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