Everyone Needs to Pay Attention to This! IT’S HAPPENING.

Everyone Needs to Pay Attention to This! IT'S HAPPENING.

Everyone Needs to Pay Attention to This! IT’S HAPPENING.
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They’re developing the mark of the beast now. Revelation 13, 16 through 17, and he cause it all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell, save that he had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name.
The Bible talks about the mark of the beast, which will be mandatory during the great tribulation. The mark of the beast will be an identity of the antichrist without which no one will be able to buy or sell anything. People will receive the mark on their right hands or on their foreheads. Now, what people don’t consider is that taking the mark of the beast is a serious matter.
A lot like how salvation is a serious matter. I say this because both taking the mark and salvation have eternal consequences. Salvation has eternal consequences and should be treated with the utmost important. Taking the mark of the beast has eternal consequences and should not be taken lightly. Both hold eternal repercussions.
Over the years, there have been a lot of conspiracies concerning the mark of the beast. Early last century, some people believed that the mark of the beast was your social security number, which presumably was encoded into the computer punch card of the beast and fed into Satan’s main. While the notion that your social security number is the mark of the beast is hardly mainstream, there are proponents of this viewpoint to this day who argue that it is following the introduction of the credit card.
In 1959, groups of individuals argued that it was the mark of the beast. Once the internet was introduced, some argued that it was the mark of the beast. Presently, the radio frequency identification, R F I D, chips are regarded by many as the mark of the. In 2020, there are some who argued that the vaccine was the mark.
You can go down a long corridor of research attempting to pinpoint what exactly the mark of the beast is. One thing is for sure, the mark of the beast will not be something that you can take accidentally. What type of God would God be if he allowed the mark of the beast to be something you can take accidentally?

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