IMPORTANT: This is whats going to happen next..

IMPORTANT: This is whats going to happen next..

IMPORTANT: This is whats going to happen next..
message strange truth world news current events december 2022 today this week this month motivation economy
I think the economy is in horrible shape. I think that’s one of the reasons that President Biden is so unpopular because I think a lot of the people who are struggling in this economy in part blame the president. He’s not solely responsible, but he certainly hasn’t done anything to help. Everything he’s done has actually taken a bad situation and made it worse.
But if you look objectively at the data, the savings rate is at the lowest its. Since 2007, I think it’s down to 2.3%. So Americans have blown through all their stimulus money, and now they’re pretty much broke. If you look at credit card debt, it’s at an all-time record high. So Americans are struggling to put food on the table and to pay the electric bill, and so they’re borrowing more money on their credit cards.
If you look at what’s happening to wages, they are declining in real terms, and I think the real decline is being. By the fact that we are understating inflation. I think the actual inflation rate is about double what the government will admit to, and that means that the real decline in wages is much greater, which explains why so many people are now moonlighting.
A record number of Americans have two and three jobs. In fact, you have more Americans than. That are working two full-time jobs. Most people don’t want multiple jobs. They would prefer to be able to support themselves and their family on one job, but unfortunately in the Biden economy, that’s not possible.
And that’s where all these jobs that are being created are going. They’re going to people who don’t want more jobs, but who are forced to take them anyway, because that’s the only way that they can keep up with the rising cost of living. They’re being very disingenuous, and that’s a nice. Putting it about these numbers, because the implication is that oh, 260,000 people who didn’t have jobs who were unemployed, now they’ve got jobs.
That’s not what happened. All of those jobs went to people who were already employed. They are part-time jobs. That’s what’s happening, and it’s not a great economy where people who have jobs need to get a second. They would rather have the leisure. They would rather be able to spend more time with their families, but unfortunately, they can’t afford that.
They have to go and get another job. That is where these jobs are coming from. If people come out of retirement, let’s say somebody was retired, they’re 70 years old. They were looking forward to just playing golf and going to the beach and hanging out with their grand. But now they have to go take a job at Target because that’s the only way to pay the grocery bill.


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