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IMPORTANT: You Might Want To Watch This Video Right Away..

IMPORTANT: You Might Want To Watch This Video Right Away..
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I knew this time was coming and we as a world have never been here before. And so is it a spooky time? Yet it is probably the most dangerous time ever. There’s nothing to compare it to because there’s never been a world economy before. For example, a hundred years ago if there was a stock market crash in England, did it affect anybody?
Now the US goes down, the world goes down. So plus, with social media and all this we’re doing now, and so we’ve never been here before. And I’m excited about it because I make more money in crashes than I do when they go up. But for the average person, they’ll get wiped out. I’m afraid.
At the worst. I hope I’m wrong, but I think we’re heading for global depression. Global depression. Yeah. What does that look like? Depression. People are depressed. The economy stays down. It’s hard to come back up. And now the good news is that for those who are prepared for it, like you and nothing like this, you’ll do.
See, not everybody dies in a plane. Crash. Simp, plane crashes. . . But the last crash in 2008, I was on Wolf Blitzer’s program six months before Lehman Brothers went down and I said Lehman was going down and nobody listened, but they went down. And so I’ve been expecting this market to go down for quite a while
If you travel the world, I just got back from Africa and China and Japan and New Zealand, people are scared. Australia is, has had a recession in 30 years. It’s in. But Americans are fat, dumb, and unhappy having a good time, which is good. But I’m concerned.
That’s all I can say. I’d be afraid if I had kids, I think as an adult you can go hungry, but you don’t wanna see your kids go hungry and that’s what’s gonna happen. You think it’s gonna get that bad? Yeah. And the US dollar is fake. Never in the history of the world has any fake money ever survived.

Speaker Robert Kiyosaki

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