Most People have no idea what is going on, BE CAREFUL..

Most People have no idea what is going on, BE CAREFUL..

Most People have no idea what is going on, BE CAREFUL.. (FED ALERT MESSAGE 2022-2023)
message strange truth world news current events december 2022 today this week this month motivation
A key component of human life is enlightenment. The awakening from the darkness of deception into the light of truth. The so-called great awakening has really been going on forever and before MAGA and qan, the consensus was that the banks were at the top of the criminal pyramid structure, and while many of us assumed that a hidden hand was pulling their strings as well, we realized that their.
Goal was a digital currency and a cashless society. It was the subject of several documentaries. The ultimate goal that these people have in mind is the goal to, um, create a one world government run by the banking industry, run by the bankers, right? There’ll be no more cash, and this is getting me straight from Rockefeller over south.
This is what they want to. And all money will be in your chips. And if you’re like me or you and you’re protesting what they’re doing, they can just turn off each chip and you have nothing. You can’t buy food, you can’t do anything. It’s total control of the people. And that chip’s connected to a database that has your purchasing records, what you do, everything.
Everything is in there. And he was also commonly. That they’ll likely use big pharma to get us there. Yes, there have been corrupt empires. Yes, they manipulate. Yes, there are secret societies. Yes, there have been oligarchies throughout history and yes, today in 2002, there is a tyrannical organization calling itself the new world order.
Pushing for worldwide government, a cashless society, open borders, total and complete tyranny. And by creating open borders where there’s no national sovereignty and only global bodies that control all the resources by centralizing and socializing healthcare, the state becomes God basically when it comes to your health.


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