Plastic Island: The Terrible Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea | Plastic Waste in the Ocean | Plastic Pollution | ENDEVR Investigative Documentary
Watch ‘What Happens to Plastic in the Ocean’ here:
The Mediterranean Sea is the most polluted sea in the world – this is the observation made by many scientists. At the heart of this pollution, plastics hold an important place. In 2019, the media announced that off Corsica there would be a veritable island of adrift plastic waste. Corsica, one of the most beautiful islands in the Mediterranean, would therefore also be the victim of terrible plastic pollution…
What is it really? Does this plastic island really exist? What are the threats that the plastics drifting in Corsican waters pose to its environment, to the health of marine ecosystems? Is the health of Corsicans affected by this plastic pollution, and what solutions can be considered in Corsica to fight this pollution?
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