They aren’t going to like us posting this…

They aren't going to like us posting this...

WATCH – They aren’t going to like us posting this…
The illuminati exposed.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past decade, you’ll know that the world is dominated by a few wealthy families, something you would have already known if you truly belonged to the global elite. The politicians, celebrities, and even news we follow, held in comparison to the enigmatic cabals that control practically every position of authority. From the halls of power to the boardrooms of Wall Street, a select few dominate and control every aspect of us mere mortals’ day-to-day life. To understand where the conspiracy begins, we must go back in time almost 200 years ago. Adam Weishaupt, a law professor at the University of Ingolstadt, established the Order of the Illuminati on May 1st, 1776. This covert group was created to combat the abuse of power by the state and the influence of religion on society by fostering an environment that was free from criticism, debate, and censorship. Weishaupt, who was influenced by the Freemasons and French Enlightenment thinkers, believed that society should no longer be governed by religious principles. Instead, he sought to establish a free society with moral equality in which knowledge was not constrained by religious bias. But Ingolstadt at the time was ruled by religious and political conservatism. And the subjects taught at the Jesuit-run university where Weishaupt lectured were rigorously regulated. The network quickly grew after Weishaupt personally invited his top five law students to join, with its members spreading radical teachings in the name of Enlightenment while also setting up a complex network of informants who reported on the actions of political and religious leaders in an effort to amass a wealth of data that the Illuminati could potentially use in their teachings. The secret society gained more than 2,000 members in Bavaria, France, Hungary, Italy, and Poland with the aid of the eminent German diplomat Baron Adolf Franz Friedrich Freiherr von Kaniga, who helped enlist Freemason Logis to the Illuminati cause. However, the organization didn’t manage to elude the establishment for very long. The secret society was penetrated by Bavarian authorities just ten years after it was founded, as a result of government authorities’ discovery of its extremist, anti-state publications. Weishaupt was exiled from Ingolstadt and forced to spend the rest of his life in Gotha, 300 kilometers to the north after the Illuminati was disbanded. But even then, conspiracy theories have been concocted by people who think the Illuminati was never really disbanded, merely rebranded. Conspiracy theorists assert that the group has been clandestinely working behind the scenes to overthrow the government and create what is currently known as the New World Order. Democracy as we know it has only existed for about 250 years. The people who had total authority and knew how to manage resources have always controlled the world as we know it. A similar ideology of total authority and control is what the New World Order seeks to implement, but on a worldwide level. The elite will sit at the top of the food chain and secretly rule the planet, allowing the rest of the population to compete for the remaining 1% of the global economy. Worse yet, it appears they also wish to maintain control over the world’s population. They want the Earth’s resources to be used for their own use, with a population of slightly under a billion.

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