⚠️ Americans are in SERIOUS Danger, Here’s Why.. (2022-2023)

⚠️ Americans are in SERIOUS Danger, Here's Why.. (2022-2023)

In an ominous sign of the turbulent times we’re all living in. We’re starting to see people go through some really extreme things. According to new research, Millions of people in America are skipping meals every day because of the high cost of food. Even in the world’s richest country, families are depriving themselves of their basic necessities due to the worst cost of living crisis in a generation. In some states, nearly 75% of U.S households can’t afford enough to eat. If you have been to a gas station, supermarket or tried to pay your electricity bills at all in recent months, then you know the economy is a total and complete mess right now. We’re seeing bills pile up higher and higher. Debt levels soar, rent and housing costs skyrocket, and every trip to the grocery store is making us more anxious than the one before. Meanwhile, wages are essentially flat. In fact, Today’s inflation means most workers actually took a pay cut. Conditions are getting exceedingly hard for our population, and to make things worse, a number of factors are now converging to create the biggest food crisis we’ve witnessed in our lifetime. In today’s video, we’ve compiled the latest data that shows the reality many are facing, but the media seems to keep ignoring it.

The pain caused by the highest living expenses we’ve seen since the 1970s is economically eviscerating millions of families in the U.S and in the entire world. A new study conducted by the United Nations highlights that some things that are happening right now in developing nations are foreshadowing what’s coming soon to America. the unplanned shift to green energy and the crisis in Ukraine, have left many countries across the world with alarmingly low energy reserves. Fuel and fertilizer costs are so high that the entire global agricultural industry is sitting on very thin ice. Most farmers can’t afford to plant crops. Those who can are seeing their crops getting destroyed by extreme weather events. At this point, food shortages are becoming far more extensive than anyone imagined. Unaffordable prices for gas, medicine and housing, a stoking social unrest, and mass demonstrations all around the planet. Entire countries like Sri Lanka have gone bankrupt overnight.

This is, ITS HAPPENING: Americans Are In Grave Danger, Here’s Why.

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